Upcoming Events
6/23/24 - 5:00-7:00pm WORK SESSION
Please join us for a work session
When: Sunday, June 23, 2023, 5-7 PM
5:00-7:00 - Citizens will break into groups and work on various fronts to make the 2023-2024 school year our best, ensure our teachers are supported and mobilize resources for ALL our student populations.
Where: 13 Franklin Ave Kingston -- RADIO KINGSTON ANNEX
Children welcome. We will have a playroom and parents available to watch.
RSVP to fiori.mariel@gmail.com
23/06/24 - 5:00-7:00pm SESIÓN DE TRABAJO
Únase a nosotros para una sesión de trabajo
Cuándo: domingo 23 de junio de 2023, de 5 a 7 p. m.
5:00-7:00 - Los ciudadanos se dividirán en grupos y trabajarán en varios frentes para hacer que el año escolar 2023-2024 sea el mejor para TODAS nuestras poblaciones estudiantiles.
Dónde: 13 Franklin Ave Kingston - ANEXO DE RADIO KINGSTON
Los niños son bienvenidos. Tendremos una sala de juegos y padres disponibles para mirar.
Confirme su asistencia a fiori.mariel@gmail.com
8/24/23 - 6: 00 pm- Montessori Planning & Pizza
Dr Padalino, KCSD Superintendent, and Dr. Stacia Felicello will hold an open forum with the community. Please join us at GW for an evening of pizza and planning!
When: Thursday, August 24, 2023, 5-7 PM
5:00-5:45 - Dinner
6:00-7:00 - Faculty and families will work to make the 2023-2024 school year our best.
Where: George Washington Elementary School, 67 Wall Street
The work that will take place at this event is to help and support our 2023-2024 School Comprehensive Education Plan (SCEP) commitments.
RSVP here: https://forms.office.com/r/XcHVt91MTw
8/24/23 - 6: 00 pm- Montessori Planning & Pizza
Dr Padalino, KCSD Superintendent, and Dr. Stacia Felicello will hold an open forum with the community. Please join us at GW for an evening of pizza and planning!
When: Thursday, August 24, 2023, 5-7 PM
5:00-5:45 - Dinner
6:00-7:00 - Faculty and families will work to make the 2023-2024 school year our best.
Where: George Washington Elementary School, 67 Wall Street
The work that will take place at this event is to help and support our 2023-2024 School Comprehensive Education Plan (SCEP) commitments.
RSVP here: https://forms.office.com/r/XcHVt91MTw
8/1/23 - 6: 00 pm- Montessori Info Session
Dr Padalino, KCSD Superintendent, and Dr. Stacia Felicello will give an update on the work the district has been doing in response to these issues and will hold a Q&A for parents and community members.
Mon Evening, 3/20/23 - 6: 00 pm- Superintendent Q & A
Dr Padalino, KCSD Superintendent, and Dr. Stacia Felicello will give an update on the work the district has been doing in response to these issues and will hold a Q&A for parents and community members.
Wed Morning, 2/22/23 - 8: 00 am- Demonstration Outside GW Auditorium
We got notice that there will be a presentation by Dr Padalino, KCSD Superintendent, and Stacia Felicello (who made the presentation AND was the principal at GW right before it transitioned to Montessori this Wednesday, 2/22 at 8:25 am in the GW auditorium. At this point I don't think parents are invited - it seems to be for teachers and staff, but it would be great if a bunch of us could be out in front to greet Dr Padalino and make sure he knows how we feel about this proposal.
So I'd recommend being at GW as early at 8 am on 2/22 - we can talk about this on Monday for those who can join the Zoom call.
Wed Evening, 3/1 /23- Board of Ed Meeting at Meagher Building
Public Comment is around 7 pm It would be really good to have lots of GW parents there - anyone who wishes should speak, but even if people don't want to speak, it's great to have a strong presence.
21 Wyncoop Place
Wed Morning, 3/23/23 - 9:30 am - Teaching & Learning Committee Meeting
This whole issue started at the last Teaching and Learning committee meeting. The next Teaching and Learning committee meeting is Wednesday March 23rd at 9:30 am, also at 21 Wyncoop Place.