Past Petitions 


KCSD- Keep Your Promises & Staff for Montessori

A current petition is being drafted

Many signs point to the likelihood that the administration is not keeping the promises made in it's Aug 1 , 2023 Montessori Implementation Plan. Families sharing reports of changes to staffing and activites during year-end planning suggest that big changes are being formed now for September that do not align with what we were told. Families are asking for intervention from the Board of Education now to prevent another round of Montessori dismantling over the summer. 

Aug 1, 2023- Assistant Superintendent Dr. Stacia Felicello presents a slide detailing plans for staffing, training, certification, teacher stipends for the 2024-2025 school year as part of the administration's "Montessori Implementation Plan." 

This Spring/Summer is the time when these plans should be rolling out via hiring and signups for certification programs so that staffing is aligned by September school start. 


Community Response to Montessori Implementation Plan & 8:1 Info Session .pdf

Montessori Implementation Plan: Community Response 

31 Parents/Caregivers, Anonymous Staff, and Former Teachers Request an Immediate Focus on Staffing & Training 

In response to the Superintendent's presentation of a multi-year plan for restoring the school, the community thanks the district for the plan but  points back to a May 2023 Montessori consultant's recommendations, which highlighted staffing and training as the top issue. The petition points to failures in the hiring process to align with plan goals and recommendations. 

The community stresses that certification needs to be sufficient to guarantee that teachers are trained enough in the Montessori method to effectively lead a combined 3-grade classroom.

A follow-up email to the Board in October 2023 reiterates these ongoing concerns about the hiring process and further highlights families being shut out of decision-making.   It included a spreadsheet with the status of numerous identified issues. 

Letter opposing GWS classroom reconfiguration.pdf

126 Oppose District Disbanding Montessori Program 

Parents/Caregivers, Anonymous Staff, and Former Teachers React to District Plans 

Feb 2023- In response to Assistant Superintendent Stacia Felicello's proposal to disband the Montessori grade configurations, a key component of the Montessori method, 126 members of the school community petition the Board of Education to oppose the move.

Don't Kill 3-yo Program 

43 Caregivers, the Mayor, and Childcare Crisis Response Professionals beg district not to eliminate GW's 3-year old program

2023 March- BOE Letter Regarding 3 yo UPK_ PDF.docx.pdf